Business Continuity Planning for Data Centers and Systems: A Strategic Implementation Guide / Edition 1

Business Continuity Planning for Data Centers and Systems: A Strategic Implementation Guide / Edition 1

by Ronald H. Bowman

Business Continuity Planning for Data Centers and Systems

If the past few years have taught us anything, it's that disaster can strike in any shape, at any time. Few businesses can afford to shut down for an extended period of time, regardless of the cause—a good business continuity plan is necessary to keep a company up and running. Business Continuity

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Business Continuity Planning for Data Centers and Systems

If the past few years have taught us anything, it's that disaster can strike in any shape, at any time. Few businesses can afford to shut down for an extended period of time, regardless of the cause—a good business continuity plan is necessary to keep a company up and running. Business Continuity Planning for Data Centers and Systems is the primer that helps professionals make sure they have covered all the necessary bases in selecting a data center and disaster recovery site.

Designed to help businesses plan for occurrences that could cause a business stoppage, Business Continuity Planning for Data Centers and Systems: A Strategic Implementation Guide shows CEOs, CFOs, CIOs, and IT managers how to evaluate their business in terms of vulnerability to disaster and create an effective and useful disaster recovery plan.

The events of September 11, 2001, the blackout of August 14, 2003, and Hurricane Katrina showed that downtime in any form means disaster to the various financial communities and the companies serving them. Focused on site selection for uptime-critical environ-ments, this timely book is an essential blueprint for companies' disaster recovery efforts and covers:

  • Financial planning details that most disaster recovery guides do not provide
  • The cost of business interruptions
  • History of business outages
  • Recent acts, legislation, rules, and guidelines on disaster recovery
  • The future of business continuity planning

This thoroughly practical guide reveals a proven methodology for implementing a realistic and cost-efficient business continuity plan that anticipates every possible disaster. For companies that need to comply with SOX and the Patriot Act, Business Continuity Planning for Data Centers and Systems: A Strategic Implementation Guide enables professionals to take a proactive role in preparing a logical "what if" plan for every possible worst-case scenario a business may face today.

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Product Details

Publication date:
Product dimensions:
6.00(w) x 9.10(h) x 0.90(d)

Table of Contents


1. How We Got Here: History of Data Centers and Current Choices.

2. Acts of God: Mission-Critical Interruptions and Man-Made Challenges.

3. Origins of the Business Impact Analysis.

4. Flooding: Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid!

5. Data Centers Growth Velocity.

6. Energy Use in Data Centers Globally Through 2012.

7. Primary and Secondary Data Center Selection: Recent History.

8. Public Sector Laws: Guidance and Consequences.

9. Government’s Role: Summary of National Infrastructure Protection Plan of 2006.

10. Tier 4: Basis of Design.

11. Unique Challenges of Cooling.

12. Unique Challenges of Power.

13. Going Green.

14. New Methods of Effective Site Selection: Negotiation and Execution.

15. Cyberterrorism.

16. Need for Speed.

17. Future of Data Center Efficiencies—Think Outside the Grid.



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