Business Objects Companion

Business Objects Companion

by David Jackson

With Business Objects software, thousands of companies are transforming their databases into powerful end-user resources for competitive advantage. Now, there's a hands-on guide to deploying, managing and optimizing Business Objects for maximum impact: Business Objects Companion. Whether you're using Business Objects as a standalone DSS tool, or along with SAP, Baan,… See more details below


With Business Objects software, thousands of companies are transforming their databases into powerful end-user resources for competitive advantage. Now, there's a hands-on guide to deploying, managing and optimizing Business Objects for maximum impact: Business Objects Companion. Whether you're using Business Objects as a standalone DSS tool, or along with SAP, Baan, or PeopleSoft, you'll find this book invaluable. You'll discover administration techniques that maximize control while giving your users all the flexibility they need. You'll learn how to integrate Business Objects with your Excel worksheets, querying databases directly from Excel and incorporating the results automatically.

Editorial Reviews

A guide to deploying, managing, and optimizing-business objects software with databases. First overviews data modeling concepts such as contexts, hierarchies and aggregations and shows how the approach implements them, then explores each component of the environment. Explains modeling data with the designer module, creating intuitive interfaces for users, designing interactive queries, using such reporting features as tables and crosstabs, and leveraging data mining tools. No bibliography. Annotation c. by Book News, Inc., Portland, Or.

Product Details

Prentice Hall, Incorporated
Publication date:
Product dimensions:
7.07(w) x 9.20(h) x 0.63(d)

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