Business-Wide Database Planning

Business-Wide Database Planning

by John E. Gessford

Not only demonstrates how integrated databases will serve enterprises in the future but also the way they will be designed and built. Describes a new methodology for using the recent generation of CASE tools offered by many software vendors. Carefully explains how to populate a repository so that all systems developed with CASE tools will be integrated across

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Not only demonstrates how integrated databases will serve enterprises in the future but also the way they will be designed and built. Describes a new methodology for using the recent generation of CASE tools offered by many software vendors. Carefully explains how to populate a repository so that all systems developed with CASE tools will be integrated across various parts of the business including areas such as marketing; materials management; production; finance and more; resulting in an enterprise-wide information structure which will link high-level generalizations to transactions.

Product Details

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Product dimensions:
7.36(w) x 10.19(h) x 1.36(d)

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