Case*Method: Entity Relationship Modelling / Edition 1

Case*Method: Entity Relationship Modelling / Edition 1

by Richard Barker, Barker

powerful technique of entity relationship modelling from this definitive guide. In a lucid instructional style, Richard Barker shows how the data modelling technique can be applied to develop high-quality, integrated information systems. Special features of the book include:

  • a wealth of realistic examples illustrating the technique in practice
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powerful technique of entity relationship modelling from this definitive guide. In a lucid instructional style, Richard Barker shows how the data modelling technique can be applied to develop high-quality, integrated information systems. Special features of the book include:

  • a wealth of realistic examples illustrating the technique in practice
  • detailed appendices highlighting the key topics including data normalization, CASE tool support, data administration and database design
  • a definitive glossary of all important terms.

It is designed to be equally valuable as a training aid and as a 'hot- line' reference when problems require urgent resolution.

Product Details

Addison Wesley Professional
Publication date:
Edition description:
New Edition
Product dimensions:
7.48(w) x 9.54(h) x 0.86(d)

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