Challenges Of Managing Information Quality In Service Organizations

Challenges Of Managing Information Quality In Service Organizations

by Latif Al-Hakim

Poor quality of data and information can have a harmful impact on decision-making and therefore on the overall effectiveness of an enterprise. Incorrect and misleading information associated with an enterprise's production and service provision jeopardize both customer relationships and customer satisfaction, and ultimately have a negative effect on revenue.

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Poor quality of data and information can have a harmful impact on decision-making and therefore on the overall effectiveness of an enterprise. Incorrect and misleading information associated with an enterprise's production and service provision jeopardize both customer relationships and customer satisfaction, and ultimately have a negative effect on revenue. Challenges of Managing Information Quality in Service Organizations presents cases and applications of information quality in various industrial service sectors, and presents twelve chapters organized into four sections: information quality application in healthcare industry, information quality application in banking, real estate and postal industries, information quality application for database management services, and information quality application for research and development. Challenges of Managing Information Quality in Service Organizations provides insight and support for academic professionals as well as for practitioners concerned with the management of information.

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IGI Global
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7.00(w) x 10.00(h) x 0.81(d)

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