Claris FileMaker Pro 3.0 for Windows 95 and MacIntosh: With Disk

Claris FileMaker Pro 3.0 for Windows 95 and MacIntosh: With Disk

by Betsy Newberry

Designed for business people who need to be up to speed on everyday applications for both Windows and Macintosh, the QuickTorials provide the ideal self-study solution. Unique design lies flat for easy use and includes step-by-step instructions in full color. QuickTorials provide an affordable, easy-to-use way to computer success.See more details below


Designed for business people who need to be up to speed on everyday applications for both Windows and Macintosh, the QuickTorials provide the ideal self-study solution. Unique design lies flat for easy use and includes step-by-step instructions in full color. QuickTorials provide an affordable, easy-to-use way to computer success.

Product Details

Cengage Learning
Publication date:
Df - Computer Applications Series
Product dimensions:
8.67(w) x 11.00(h) x 0.61(d)

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