Classification - the Ubiquitous Challenge: Proceedings of the 28th Annual Conference of the Gesellschaft für Klassifikation e.V., University of Dortmund, March 9-11, 2004 / Edition 1

Classification - the Ubiquitous Challenge: Proceedings of the 28th Annual Conference of the Gesellschaft für Klassifikation e.V., University of Dortmund, March 9-11, 2004 / Edition 1

by Claus Weihs

This volume contains revised versions of selected papers presented during the 28th Annual Conference of the Gesellschaft fur ¨ Klassifikation (GfKl), the German Classification Society. The conference was held at the Universit¨ at Dortmund in Dortmund, Germany, in March 2004. Wolfgang Gaul chaired the program committee, Claus Weihs and Ernst-Erich Doberkat

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This volume contains revised versions of selected papers presented during the 28th Annual Conference of the Gesellschaft fur ¨ Klassifikation (GfKl), the German Classification Society. The conference was held at the Universit¨ at Dortmund in Dortmund, Germany, in March 2004. Wolfgang Gaul chaired the program committee, Claus Weihs and Ernst-Erich Doberkat were the local organizers. Patrick Groenen, Iven van Mechelen, and their colleagues of the Vereniging voor Ordinatie en Classificatie (VOC), the Dutch-Flemish Classification Society, organized special VOC sessions. The programcommittee recruited17 notable and internationallyreno- ed invited speakers for plenary and semi-plenary talks on their current - search work regarding classification and data analysis methods as well as - plications.Inaddition,172invitedandcontributedpapersbyauthorsfrom18 countrieswerepresentedatthe conferencein 52parallelsessionsrepresenting the whole—eld addressed by the title of the conference “Classification: The Ubiquitous Challenge”. Among these 52 sessions the VOC organizedsessions on Mixture Modelling, Optimal Scaling, Multiway Methods, and Psychom- ricswith18papers.Overall,theconference,whichistraditionallydesignedas an interdisciplinary event, again provided an attractive forum for discussions and mutual exchange of knowledge. Besides the results obtained in the fundamental subjects Classification and Data Analysis, the talks in the applied areas focused on various app- cation topics. Moreover, along with the conference a competition on “Social Milieus in Dortmund”, co-organized by the city of Dortmund, took place. Hence the presentation of the papers in this volume is arranged in the f- lowing parts: I. (Semi-)Plenary Presentations II. Classification and Data Analysis III. Applications, and IV. Contest: Social Milieus in Dortmund.

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Product Details

Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Publication date:
Studies in Classification, Data Analysis, and Knowledge Organization Series
Edition description:
Product dimensions:
6.10(w) x 9.25(h) x 0.06(d)

Table of Contents

(Semi-) Plenary Presentations.- Classification and Data Mining in Musicology.- Bayesian Mixed Membership Models for Soft Clustering and Classification.- Predicting Protein Secondary Structure with Markov Models.- Milestones in the History of Data Visualization: A Case Study in Statistical Historiography.- Quantitative Text Typology: The Impact of Word Length.- Cluster Ensembles.- Bootstrap Confidence Intervals for Three-way Component Methods.- Organising the Knowledge Space for Software Components.- Multimedia Pattern Recognition in Soccer Video Using Time Intervals.- Quantitative Assessment of the Responsibility for the Disease Load in a Population.- Classification and Data Analysis.- Bootstrapping Latent Class Models.- Dimensionality of Random Subspaces.- Two-stage Classification with Automatic Feature Selection for an Industrial Application.- Bagging, Boosting and Ordinal Classification.- A Method for Visual Cluster Validation.- Empirical Comparison of Boosting Algorithms.- Iterative Majorization Approach to the Distance-based Discriminant Analysis.- An Extension of the CHAID Tree-based Segmentation Algorithm to Multiple Dependent Variables.- Expectation of Random Sets and the ‘Mean Values’ of Interval Data.- Experimental Design for Variable Selection in Data Bases.- KMC/EDAM: A New Approach for the Visualization of K-Means Clustering Results.- Clustering of Variables with Missing Data: Application to Preference Studies.- Binary On-line Classification Based on Temporally Integrated Information.- Different Subspace Classification.- Density Estimation and Visualization for Data Containing Clusters of Unknown Structure.- Hierarchical Mixture Models for Nested Data Structures.- Iterative Proportional Scaling Based on a Robust Start Estimator.- Exploring Multivariate Data Structures with Local Principal Curves.- A Three-way Multidimensional Scaling Approach to the Analysis of Judgments About Persons.- Discovering Temporal Knowledge in Multivariate Time Series.- A New Framework for Multidimensional Data Analysis.- External Analysis of Two-mode Three-way Asymmetric Multidimensional Scaling.- The Relevance Vector Machine Under Covariate Measurement Error.- Applications.- A Contribution to the History of Seriation in Archaeology.- Model-based Cluster Analysis of Roman Bricks and Tiles from Worms and Rheinzabern.- Astronomical Object Classification and Parameter Estimation with the Gaia Galactic Survey Satellite.- Design of Astronomical Filter Systems for Stellar Classification Using Evolutionary Algorithms.- Analyzing Microarray Data with the Generative Topographic Mapping Approach.- Test for a Change Point in Bernoulli Trials with Dependence.- Data Mining in Protein Binding Cavities.- Classification of In Vivo Magnetic Resonance Spectra.- Modifying Microarray Analysis Methods for Categorical Data — SAM and PAM for SNPs.- Improving the Identification of Differentially Expressed Genes in cDNA Microarray Experiments.- PhyNav: A Novel Approach to Reconstruct Large Phylogenies.- NewsRec, a Personal Recommendation System for News Websites.- Clustering of Large Document Sets with Restricted Random Walks on Usage Histories.- Fuzzy Two-mode Clustering vs. Collaborative Filtering.- Web Mining and Online Visibility.- Analysis of Recommender System Usage by Multidimensional Scaling.- On a Combination of Convex Risk Minimization Methods.- Credit Scoring Using Global and Local Statistical Models.- Informative Patterns for Credit Scoring: Support Vector Machines Preselect Data Subsets for Linear Discriminant Analysis.- Application of Support Vector Machines in a Life Assurance Environment.- Continuous Market Risk Budgeting in Financial Institutions.- Smooth Correlation Estimation with Application to Portfolio Credit Risk.- How Many Lexical-semantic Relations are Necessary?.- Automated Detection of Morphemes Using Distributional Measurements.- Classification of Author and/or Genre? The Impact of Word Length.- Some Historical Remarks on Library Classification — a Short Introduction to the Science of Library Classification.- Automatic Validation of Hierarchical Cluster Analysis with Application in Dialectometry.- Discovering the Senses of an Ambiguous Word by Clustering its Local Contexts.- Document Management and the Development of Information Spaces.- Shastic Ranking and the Volatility “Croissant”: A Sensitivity Analysis of Economic Rankings.- Importance Assessment of Correlated Predictors in Business Cycles Classification.- Economic Freedom in the 25-Member European Union: Insights Using Classification Tools.- Intercultural Consumer Classifications in E-Commerce.- Reservation Price Estimation by Adaptive Conjoint Analysis.- Estimating Reservation Prices for Product Bundles Based on Paired Comparison Data.- Classification of Perceived Musical Intervals.- In Search of Variables Distinguishing Low and High Achievers in Music Sight Reading Task.- Automatic Feature Extraction from Large Time Series.- Identification of Musical Instruments by Means of the Hough-Transformation.- Support Vector Machines for Bass and Snare Drum Recognition.- Register Classification by Timbre.- Classification of Processes by the Lyapunov Exponent.- Desirability to Characterize Process Capability.- Application and Use of Multivariate Control Charts in a BTA Deep Hole Drilling Process.- Determination of Relevant Frequencies and Modeling Varying Amplitudes of Harmonic Processes.- Contest: Social Milieus in Dortmund.- to the Contest “Social Milieus in Dortmund”.- Application of a Genetic Algorithm to Variable Selection in Fuzzy Clustering.- Annealed—-Means Clustering and Decision Trees.- Correspondence Clustering of Dortmund City Districts.

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