Editorial Reviews
Bill Carmada
Client/server, when it began, was a complex mix of server platforms, proprietary databases, clients, and networks. Along came the Web, making applications easily and globally accessible through browsers and HTTP. But the Web lacks major elements needed for robust cross-platform solutions. Enter Java, the first universal language and computing platform for Web-based client/server data access. What's still missing? A standard approach to data interchange. Voila: XML. Client/Server Data Access with Java and XML ties all these technologies together, showing how you can build a universal application architecture for your 21st century apps.
Dan Chang and Dan Harkey of San Jose State's renowned CORBA/Java Master's Program compare three methods of Java database access: via JDBC, SQL embedded in Java, and ODMG Java binding for accessing object-oriented databases. You'll master object serialization, RMI, and ORBs. You'll discover how to make the most of XML and the Document Object Model for Web data interchange, and how to build Beans-based component architectures for both server and client. You'll even preview brand-new technologies like WebDAV and JavaMail. If you're an enterprise client/server developer, this book is like hitting the jackpot.
Bill Carmada @ Cyberian Express
For database developers interested in using the two popular Web products and technologies for large corporate applications. Explains what the products are, how to program them, and how different and competing technologies can work together. The CD-ROM contains all the sample programs in the book and evaluation copies of the software products described. Annotation c. by Book News, Inc., Portland, Or.