Components of a Canonical Data Model

Components of a Canonical Data Model

4.0 1
by Lawrence Dunn


There is much discussion on the needs and benefits of a canonical data model to support an SOA initiative. However, many Data Management groups that are given the task to develop a canonical data model respond with the question : What is it?

This white paper sheds light on the components that comprise a canonical data model and provides… See more details below



There is much discussion on the needs and benefits of a canonical data model to support an SOA initiative. However, many Data Management groups that are given the task to develop a canonical data model respond with the question : What is it?

This white paper sheds light on the components that comprise a canonical data model and provides clear examples of what each component should look like. This paper makes the assumption that the reader has a thorough understanding of data modeling, UML and XML concepts.

This paper is a preview to the book Canonical Data Modeling 101, which will be available September 2009.

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Dominion Publishing
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Barnes & Noble
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405 KB

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