Comprehensive Guide to the JDBC SQL API, with Cd-ROM

Comprehensive Guide to the JDBC SQL API, with Cd-ROM

by Daniel I. Joshi

Focuses on the JDBC (Java Database Connectivity) API specifically in relation to SQL databases. Helps readers maximize the integration of Java with an SQL Database. Shows how to design an Internet-based search engine using the JDBC by creating one similar to Yahoo! Guides users on creating a JDBC API key notes on real-world issues and offers a complete discussion on… See more details below


Focuses on the JDBC (Java Database Connectivity) API specifically in relation to SQL databases. Helps readers maximize the integration of Java with an SQL Database. Shows how to design an Internet-based search engine using the JDBC by creating one similar to Yahoo! Guides users on creating a JDBC API key notes on real-world issues and offers a complete discussion on the SQL language.

Product Details

Ventana Communications Group, Incorporated
Publication date:
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Product dimensions:
7.40(w) x 9.20(h) x 1.36(d)

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