Concurrency in Programming and Database Systems

Concurrency in Programming and Database Systems

by Arthur J. Bernstein, Philip M. Lewis

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Concurrency in Programming and Database Systems is not based on any particular computer language; rather, it discusses each theoretical concept in terms of a "pure" language construct that embodies that concept and then shows how to formally and informally reason about constructs. The texts discusses Modula-2 as an example of coroutines, Occam as an example of

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Concurrency in Programming and Database Systems is not based on any particular computer language; rather, it discusses each theoretical concept in terms of a "pure" language construct that embodies that concept and then shows how to formally and informally reason about constructs. The texts discusses Modula-2 as an example of coroutines, Occam as an example of synchronous message passing, Ada as an example of rendezvous, Argus as an example of nested transactions, and Linda as an example of an interesting combination of paradigms. The author's goals are to show the compromises, extensions, and trade-offs that language designers feel obliged to make in order to embody a concept into a practical language.

Product Details

Jones & Barlett Learning
Publication date:
Computer Science-Math Series
Edition description:
New Edition
Product dimensions:
6.69(w) x 9.45(h) x (d)

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