Configuring SAP ERP Financial and Controlling

Configuring SAP ERP Financial and Controlling

by Peter Jones, John Burger

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Customize the FI and CO modules to improve your ERP implementation

The Financials (FI) and Controlling (CO) modules are the backbone of any SAP ERP implementation. Configuring SAP ERP Financials and Controlling is the only book of its kind to show you how to configure and implement SAP's two most popular modules in order to meet all your business requirements.

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Customize the FI and CO modules to improve your ERP implementation

The Financials (FI) and Controlling (CO) modules are the backbone of any SAP ERP implementation. Configuring SAP ERP Financials and Controlling is the only book of its kind to show you how to configure and implement SAP's two most popular modules in order to meet all your business requirements.

This practical guide provides hands-on, step-by-step instructions and real-world examples for the most frequently used FI and CO submodules found in SAP ECC 6.0. You'll be able to apply what you've learned so that you can customize your system to meet your accounting, financial, planning, and reporting needs. In addition, you will learn skills that you will be able to apply to other areas of functionality within the SAP suite.

  • Record accounts payable postings generated from vendor purchasing activity
  • Document all accounts receivable postings due to customer sales activity
  • Provide up-to-date information on financial accounts by displaying the General Ledger in real time
  • Learn how to manage your credit exposure
  • Gain insights on how foreign currency translations work and how to forecast cash flows
  • Create Cost Centers for functional areas within your organization
  • Track costs of a specific job, service, or task
  • Collect information on your company's profit or contribution margin by business segment
  • Set up Profit Centers to identify product lines, divisions, offices, and more

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7.70(w) x 9.30(h) x 2.20(d)

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