Construction and Analysis of Safe, Secure, and Interoperable Smart Devices: International Workshop, CASSIS 2004, Marseille, France, March 10-14, 2004, Revised Selected Papers / Edition 1

Construction and Analysis of Safe, Secure, and Interoperable Smart Devices: International Workshop, CASSIS 2004, Marseille, France, March 10-14, 2004, Revised Selected Papers / Edition 1

by Gilles Barthe

This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-proceedings of the International Workshop on Construction and Analysis of Safe, Secure, and Interoperable Smart Devices, CASSIS 2004, held in Marseille, France in March 2004.

The 13 revised full papers presented were carefully selected during two rounds of reviewing and improvement. The papers are devoted to

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This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-proceedings of the International Workshop on Construction and Analysis of Safe, Secure, and Interoperable Smart Devices, CASSIS 2004, held in Marseille, France in March 2004.

The 13 revised full papers presented were carefully selected during two rounds of reviewing and improvement. The papers are devoted to trends in smart card research, operating systems and virtual machine technologies, secure platforms, security, application validation, verification, and formal modeling and formal methods.

Product Details

Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Publication date:
Lecture Notes in Computer Science / Security and Cryptology Series, #3362
Edition description:
Product dimensions:
9.21(w) x 6.14(h) x 0.57(d)

Table of Contents

Mobile Resource Guarantees for Smart Devices.- History-Based Access Control and Secure Information Flow.- The Spec# Programming System: An Overview.- Mastering Test Generation from Smart Card Software Formal Models.- A Mechanism for Secure, Fine-Grained Dynamic Provisioning of Applications on Small Devices.- ESC/Java2: Uniting ESC/Java and JML.- A Type System for Checking Applet Isolation in Java Card.- Verification of Safety Properties in the Presence of Transactions.- Modelling Mobility Aspects of Security Policies.- Smart Devices for Next Generation Mobile Services.- A Flexible Framework for the Estimation of Coverage Metrics in Explicit State Software Model Checking.- Combining Several Paradigms for Circuit Validation and Verification.- Smart Card Research Perspectives.

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