Content Computing: Advanced Workshop on Content Computing, AWCC 2004, Zhen Jiang, Jiang Su, China, November 15-17, 2004, Proceedings / Edition 1

Content Computing: Advanced Workshop on Content Computing, AWCC 2004, Zhen Jiang, Jiang Su, China, November 15-17, 2004, Proceedings / Edition 1

by Chi-Hung Chi

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the Advanced Workshop on Content Computing, AWCC 2004, held in Zhen Jiang, Jiang Su, China in November 2004.

The 26 revised full papers and 36 revised short papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 194 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on mobile code and agent technology,

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This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the Advanced Workshop on Content Computing, AWCC 2004, held in Zhen Jiang, Jiang Su, China in November 2004.

The 26 revised full papers and 36 revised short papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 194 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on mobile code and agent technology, content sharing and consistency management, networking infrastructure and performance, content aware security, multimedia content, content mining and knowledge extraction, Web services and content applications, content retrieval and management, and ontologies and knowledge conceptualization.

Product Details

Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Publication date:
Lecture Notes in Computer Science Series, #3309
Edition description:
Product dimensions:
9.21(w) x 6.14(h) x 1.07(d)

Table of Contents

Mobility prediction-based wireless resource allocation and reservation1
An agent-enabled content-explicit authorization model for OGSA-compliant grid12
A predictable mobile agent computation model and its fabric architecture18
A novel reverse rerouting mechanism in mobile wireless Internet27
An agents based grid infrastructure of social intelligence33
Agent aided workflow modeling39
An improved hybrid method of maintaining content consistency46
Advanced architecture for distributed systems with a network infrastructure based on CAN and Internet for content distribution58
Distributed document sharing with text classification over content-addressable network70
Content distribution stochastic fluid models for multi-regions P2P networks82
Construct campus peer-to-peer networks88
Fractional Gaussian noise : a tool of characterizing traffic for detection purpose94
Performance analysis of virtual time optimistic transaction processing104
A measurement-based TCP congestion control scheme112
BM-VF-SBD : an efficient data channel scheduling algorithm to support QoS for optical burst switching networks120
A predictive controller for AQM router supporting TCP with ECN131
Enhancing the content of the intrusion alerts using logic correlation137
Real-time emulation of intrusion victim in HoneyFarm143
On the formal characterization of covert channel155
Availability analysis and comparison of different intrusion-tolerant systems161
Security analysis of user efficient blind signatures167
A novel DDoS attack detecting algorithm based on the continuous wavelet transform173
Enhancing the scalability of the community authorization service for virtual organizations182
Securing multicast groups in ad hoc networks194
Improved privacy-protecting proxy signature scheme208
Improving security architecture development based on multiple criteria decision making214
A LSB substitution oriented image hiding strategy using genetic algorithms219
A prediction scheme for image vector quantization based on mining association rules230
Fuzzy logic-based image retrieval241
Deriving facial patterns for specifying Korean young men's 3D virtual face from muscle based features251
A content-based fragile watermarking scheme for image authentication258
A new FP-tree algorithm for mining frequent itemsets266
Evaluation incompleteness of knowledge in data mining278
The variable precision rough set model for data mining in inconsistent information system285
Rule discovery with particle swarm optimization291
Data mining service based on MDA297
Web service composition based on BPWS-net303
Testing Web services using progressive group testing314
XFCM-XML based on fuzzy clustering and merging - method for personalized user profile based on recommendation system of category and product323
Analyzing Web interfaces of databases for retrieving Web information331
A new universally verifiable and receipt-free electronic voting scheme using one-way untappable channels337
Ontology-based conceptual modeling of policy-driven control framework : oriented to multi-agent system for Web services management346
An approach to dynamically reconfiguring service-oriented applications from a business perspective357
Dynamically reconfiguring sitemaps using RDF369
A general model for heterogeneous Web services integration374
Methodology for semantic representing of product data in XML380
Semantic based Web services discovery388
What are people looking for in your Web page?394
The impact of OCR accuracy on automatic text classification403
TSS : a hybrid Web searches410
Determining the number of probability-based clustering : a hybrid approach416
Categorizing XML documents based on page styles422
Generating different semantic spaces for document classification430
A component retrieval method based on facet-weight self-learning437
The algorithm about division and reducts of information system based on discernibility index of attribute449
An effective document classification system based on concept probability vector457
Accuracy improvement of automatic text classification based on feature transformation and multi-classifier combination463
Risk minimization based ontology mapping469
Evolutionary parameter estimation algorithm for combined kernel function in support vector machine481
Enriching domain ontology from domain-specific documents with HowNet487
A framework of extracting sub-ontology493
Ontology based sports video annotation and summary499

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