Content Management: Bridging the Gap Between Theory and Practice

Content Management: Bridging the Gap Between Theory and Practice

by George Pullman, Baotong Gu

This collection of articles is the first attempt by academics and professional writers to delve into the world of content management systems. The knowledge economy's greatest asset and primary problem is information management: finding it, validating it, re-purposing it, keeping it current, and keeping it safe. In the last few years content management software has… See more details below


This collection of articles is the first attempt by academics and professional writers to delve into the world of content management systems. The knowledge economy's greatest asset and primary problem is information management: finding it, validating it, re-purposing it, keeping it current, and keeping it safe. In the last few years content management software has become as common as word-processing software was five years ago. But unlike word processors, which are designed for single authorization and local storage, content management systems are designed to accommodate large-scale information production, with many authors providing many different pieces of information kept in a web-accessible database, any piece of which might find its way into electronic documents that the author doesn't even know exist. These software systems are complex, to say the least, and their impact on the field of writing will be immense.

Product Details

Baywood Publishing Company, Incorporated
Publication date:
Edition description:
New Edition
Product dimensions:
6.20(w) x 9.30(h) x 0.70(d)

Table of Contents

Introduction Mapping out the key parameters of content management Baotong Gu Gu, Baotong George Pullman Pullman, George 1

Ch. 1 Experiences with building a narrative Web content management system : best practices for developing specialized content management systems (and lessons learned for the classroom) Rudy McDaniel McDaniel, Rudy 15

Ch. 2 Analyze before you act : CMS and knowledge transfer Carol Siri Johnson Johnson, Carol Siri Susan Fowler Fowler, Susan 43

Ch. 3 Learning with limits : new faculty and course management systems Julie Staggers Staggers, Julie Meredith W. Zoetewey Zoetewey, Meredith W. Michael Pennell Pennell, Michael 57

Ch. 4 Why we should teach XML : an argument for technical acuity Becky Jo Jo, Becky Gesteland McShane McShane, Gesteland 73

Ch. 5 Digital delivery and communication technologies : understanding content management systems through rhetorical theory Michelle F. Eble Eble, Michelle F. 87

Ch. 6 Topography of educational place(s) : technical communication, instructor preparedness, and hybrid courses Lisa Meloncon Meloncon, Lisa 103

Ch. 7 Content management systems and technical communication : rolling with the tide Robin Evans Evans, Robin 131

Ch. 8 Single sourcing and the return to positivism : the threat of plain-style, arhetorical technical communication practices Jeffrey Bacha Bacha, Jeffrey 143

Ch. 9 Content management in an international outsourcing framework : a perspective for technical communicators Kirk St. Amant St. Amant, Kirk 161

Ch. 10 The technical editor as new media author : how CMSs affect editorial authority Nicole Amare Amare, Nicole 181

Ch. 11 Applying cohesion and contrastiverhetoric research to content management practices Lyn F. Gattis Gattis, Lyn F. 201

Contributors 217

Index 221

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