Core MySQL

Core MySQL

by Leon Atkinson

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An expert software developer's guide endorsed by the developer of the relational database package. Atkinson, who discovered the tool in 1997, explains how to design and build enterprise-level systems, and provides example code. He also discusses security, data storage, optimization, distributed databases, and other advanced topics. Annotation c. Book News, Inc.,… See more details below


An expert software developer's guide endorsed by the developer of the relational database package. Atkinson, who discovered the tool in 1997, explains how to design and build enterprise-level systems, and provides example code. He also discusses security, data storage, optimization, distributed databases, and other advanced topics. Annotation c. Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (

Product Details

Pearson Education
Publication date:
Core Series
Product dimensions:
7.10(w) x 9.22(h) x 1.30(d)

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