Create Dynamic Web Pages Using PHP and MySQL with Cdrom

Create Dynamic Web Pages Using PHP and MySQL with Cdrom

by David V. Tansley

You don't need prior knowledge of programming as this book will provide you with everything you need to know about PHP, MySQL and how to create dynamic web pages. You learn by example from the many practical examples throughout the book. You will be taught how to create simple web pages first and then gradually build up to using forms. PHP is the scripting language of… See more details below


You don't need prior knowledge of programming as this book will provide you with everything you need to know about PHP, MySQL and how to create dynamic web pages. You learn by example from the many practical examples throughout the book. You will be taught how to create simple web pages first and then gradually build up to using forms. PHP is the scripting language of choice for the Linux server -- but don't worry if you haven't got a web server installed because the first chapter of this book covers what to install and configure in an easy to understand way. Plus all the software and code you need is on the accompanying CD-ROM which includes Apache, Netscape, PHP, and MySQL source code, as well as all the scripts from the book.

Product Details

Pearson Education
Publication date:
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Product dimensions:
7.62(w) x 8.64(h) x 1.07(d)

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