Creating SQL Server 2005 Applications with Visual Studio 2005 / Edition 1

Creating SQL Server 2005 Applications with Visual Studio 2005 / Edition 1

by Joline Morrison, Michael Morrison, Michael Morrison, Charles M. Morrison

This text provides an overview of database design and implementation topics using Microsoft SQL Server 2005, with an emphasis on database application development using Visual Studio .NET.See more details below


This text provides an overview of database design and implementation topics using Microsoft SQL Server 2005, with an emphasis on database application development using Visual Studio .NET.

Product Details

Prentice Hall
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Product dimensions:
8.06(w) x 9.67(h) x 1.03(d)

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Table of Contents

Ch. 1Introduction to databases1
Ch. 2Creating SQL Server databases and tables41
Ch. 3Creating SQL queries to view database data83
Ch. 4Introduction to action queries and T-SQL programming146
Ch. 5Introduction to Visual Basic and the VB integrated development environment194
Ch. 6Creating VB .NET database applications272
Ch. 7Creating database reports347
Ch. 8Creating Web-based database applications using ASP.NET392
Ch. 9Using XML in database applications452
Ch. 10Database administration515
App. AInstalling the SQL Server database564
App. BInstalling application development tools567

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