Creating the Semantic Web with RDF: Professional Developer's Guide

Creating the Semantic Web with RDF: Professional Developer's Guide

by Johan Hjelm

An in-depth introduction to metadata and RDF basics for creating improved Web services

With the endless number of Web sites vying for attention, it's more important than ever before to stand out and offer a richer, better-tailored experience. The new Resource Description Framework (RDF) standard can accomplish this by making personalization and adaptation of content

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An in-depth introduction to metadata and RDF basics for creating improved Web services

With the endless number of Web sites vying for attention, it's more important than ever before to stand out and offer a richer, better-tailored experience. The new Resource Description Framework (RDF) standard can accomplish this by making personalization and adaptation of content easier. Johan Hjelm guides you through all the features of RDF, explaining how to take advantage of this technology and create exciting Web services for metadata. With his book, you'll learn how to use RDF to filter content, personalize information, and develop information services and objects. He also clearly shows you how to use RDF and XML to build metadata and user profiles. These profiles can help you produce new types of services and target data to users. This means that you'll be able to reach the right people and provide them with the exact information they want!

Covering metadata and RDF basics, this book explains how to:
* Annotate text and photos using RDF
* Utilize the RDF and XML processors
* Build schemas with RDF and XML
* Use multiple metadata vocabularies and classify site information
* Transport client profiles using remote referencing, bandwidth and caching, and proxy interaction

The CD-ROM provides a number of RDF resource programs, such as editors, parsers, and inference engines, that you can use to create new services described in the book. It also contains:
* Source code for several important tools
* A description of real services with hands-on examples of how to use metadata to tailor services for users

Professional Developer's Guides

The Professional Developer's Guide series provides the first in-depth look at recent or emerging programming technologies. Experienced programmers and developers will find comprehensive coverage of new programming standards as well as code, sample programs, developer's tools, and applications that will make programming for a new technology much easier.

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Editorial Reviews

Explains how to apply the resource description framework (RDF) to filter content, personalize information, and develop information services and objects on web sites. The author also discusses using RDF and XML to build metadata and user profiles to produce new types of services and target data to users. The CD-ROM provides RDF resource programs, such as editors, parsers, and inference engines. Annotation c. Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (

Product Details

Publication date:
Professional Developer's Guide Series, #7
Edition description:
Product dimensions:
7.54(w) x 9.20(h) x 0.77(d)

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