Cryptography for Internet and Database Applications: Developing Secret and Public Key Techniques with Java / Edition 1

Cryptography for Internet and Database Applications: Developing Secret and Public Key Techniques with Java / Edition 1

by Nick Galbreath

Prevent hackers from stealing your data with this detailed guide on how to implement cryptography and secure your information using java

Today's e-commerce and business systems store a tremendous amount of personal and financial information in a central location—;the database—;providing a tempting target for hackers, criminals, and rogue employees.

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Prevent hackers from stealing your data with this detailed guide on how to implement cryptography and secure your information using java

Today's e-commerce and business systems store a tremendous amount of personal and financial information in a central location—;the database—;providing a tempting target for hackers, criminals, and rogue employees. While essential to the complete security picture, traditional network security cannot stop every attack.

In this groundbreaking book, noted security expert Nick Galbreath explains how to improve data security using cryptography. He presents specific implementation guidelines and code examples using Java for security database and Web-based applications. In addition, he explores how to use Java cryptography APIs and implement encryption in order to provide you with a complete prevention security strategy. All of this information will help your company prevent theft of sensible information from hackers and internal misuse.

Packed with tips, code examples, and guidelines, this book covers:
* Full technical background on industry standard encryption and hashing algorithms
* Guidelines on algorithm selection and usage
* How to effectively use and generate random numbers.

Data encoding for customer visible applications
* Full introduction and reference on Java's cryptography APIs and architecture
* The application and database architecture for encrypted data

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Product Details

Publication date:
Edition description:
New Edition
Product dimensions:
9.25(w) x 7.50(h) x 0.86(d)

Table of Contents



Chapter 1. Bits and Bytes.

Chapter 2. Secret Key Cryptography.

Chapter 3. Public Key Cryptography.

Chapter 4. Random Numbers.

Chapter 5. Java Cryptography.

Chapter 6. Small Message Encoding and Encryption.

Chapter 7. Application and Data Architecture.

Appendix A: Java Cryptography Class Reference.



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