Crystal Reports Encyclopedia Volume 2: Programming .NET 2005

Crystal Reports Encyclopedia Volume 2: Programming .NET 2005

by Brian Bischof

Written with experienced .NET programmers in mind, this volume provides in-depth information for integrating Crystal Reports into various applications, fully maps out the Crystal Reports object model, and enables developers to create windows, Web, and enterprise-level reporting solutions. Featuring code samples that can be copied and pasted… See more details below


Written with experienced .NET programmers in mind, this volume provides in-depth information for integrating Crystal Reports into various applications, fully maps out the Crystal Reports object model, and enables developers to create windows, Web, and enterprise-level reporting solutions. Featuring code samples that can be copied and pasted into the reader's own applications, this manual explores all platforms and programming languages. Completely examining the latest VS.NET 2005 version of the software, this edition is updated with detailed tutorials on every aspect of the program to speed users through the process of creating reports.

Product Details

Dotnet Tech
Publication date:
Product dimensions:
7.30(w) x 9.10(h) x 1.10(d)

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