Crystal Reports XI Official Guide
  • Crystal Reports XI Official Guide
  • Crystal Reports XI Official Guide

Crystal Reports XI Official Guide

by Neil Fitzgerald, James Edkins, Michael Voloshko, James Edkins

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The authorized guide to the latest edition of the #1 business intelligence software product - Crystal Reports. More than 16 million licenses of Crystal Reports have been shipped to date. This book is a reference designed to provide hands-on guidance for the latest release of the product suite. The latest version of Crystal Reports and the Business Objects

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The authorized guide to the latest edition of the #1 business intelligence software product - Crystal Reports. More than 16 million licenses of Crystal Reports have been shipped to date. This book is a reference designed to provide hands-on guidance for the latest release of the product suite. The latest version of Crystal Reports and the Business Objects enterprise reporting suite delivers vast product enhancements and a tighter integration that will drive upgrades from licensees. Brand new features (e.g. Dynamic and Cascading Parameter Generation) will also appeal to new audiences. Over 1 million new Business Intelligence licensees will be migrating to the Crystal Enterprise Reporting platform, as this is the first release of the software with the existing Business Objects (BO) products being integrated into the Crystal infrastructure. As Business Objects insiders, the authors bring unique and valuable real-world perspectives on implementations and uses of the Crystal Reports product. The book also includes content, tutorials and samples for reporting within the Microsoft Visual Studio.NET and J2EE development environments and also on top of the SAP Business Information Warehouse (BW) and the Peoplesoft platform. Advanced content on report distribution and integration into the secured managed reporting solution known as Business Objects Enterprise XI, is also now included in this definitive user guide with coverage on the new Web Services SDK.

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Product Details

Publication date:
Business Objects Press Series
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Product dimensions:
6.92(w) x 9.02(h) x 1.94(d)

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It is fitting that the first book published by Business Objects Press, the new publishing partnership between Business Objects and Pearson Technology Group, is one of the most comprehensive guides ever published on Business Objects Crystal Reports. Crystal Reports XI Official Guide represents the high quality and usability that will be the standard for Business Objects Press books.

Fostering the creation and distribution of such high-quality books for the Business Objects community is the mission of Business Objects Press. Business Objects Press will ensure the broadest access to an official line of technical, training, and business titles, including the most helpful, accurate, and timely support books for Business Objects tools, technologies, and platforms.

Our partner, the Pearson Technology Group, is one of the top publishers in the world. By partnering with Pearson, we can ensure the highest-quality standards and the greatest accessibility for our books. Pearson products are available in virtually every retail distribution outlet worldwide, ensuring that our customers have access to the titles they need, no matter where in the world they reside.

Another important goal at Business Objects Press is to find the brightest business intelligence experts in the industry and help them through the publishing process, which in turn will help Business Objects end users and consultants better understand our products and be more successful using them.

Meanwhile, enjoy Crystal Reports XI Official Guide, the ultimate Crystal Reports XI reference guide. The authors have created a highly readable text that leads you step-by-step through acomprehensive set of tasks, from basic report design to customizing the Crystal Reports Viewers and web-based report distribution using BusinessObjects Enterprise and Crystal Reports Server. It also offers an excellent overview and tips on key concepts and features, which can save you time in planning your projects and help you avoid pitfalls. Crystal Reports XI Official Guide is appropriate for users at both public and private organizations of every size.

When you finish reading Crystal Reports XI Official Guide, keep it close by to ensure you maximize the value and minimize the effort of every Crystal Reports project, while continuing to build the skills and experience you need to increase the benefits of business intelligence at your organization.

—Dan Klein
Vice President, Global Education, Business Objects

© Copyright Pearson Education. All rights reserved.

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