Cybersecurity for SCADA Systems
  • Cybersecurity for SCADA Systems
  • Cybersecurity for SCADA Systems

Cybersecurity for SCADA Systems

by William Shaw

SCADA technology quietly operates in the background of critical utility and industrial facilities nationwide. This important tool efficiently manages utility assets, refineries and other critical industrial segments, but protecting SCADA networks from cyber attacks, hackers and even physical assault is becoming a test of will, cleverness and determination.… See more details below


SCADA technology quietly operates in the background of critical utility and industrial facilities nationwide. This important tool efficiently manages utility assets, refineries and other critical industrial segments, but protecting SCADA networks from cyber attacks, hackers and even physical assault is becoming a test of will, cleverness and determination. Cybersecurity for SCADA Systems provides a high-level overview of this unique technology, with an explanation of each market segment. Readers will understand the vital issues, and learn strategies for decreasing or eliminating system vulnerabilities.

Benefits for readers: Functional breakdown and explanation of the typical features, capabilities, and components of a SCADA system; IT and cybersecurity technology and terminology overview and explanation; Industry-specific as well as generalized discussion of SCADA vulnerabilities and available remediation strategies; and Discussion of physical and electronic security issues and strategies.

Suitable for the non-technical management level personnel as well as IT personnel without SCADA experience.

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Product Details

PennWell Corporation
Publication date:
Edition description:
New Edition
Sales rank:
Product dimensions:
6.20(w) x 9.30(h) x 1.40(d)

Table of Contents


-Section 1: Introduction to SCADA systems:
• The technological evolution of SCADA systems
• Remote terminal units
• Telecommunications technologies
• Supervisory control applications
• Operator interface
-Section 2: Cybersecurity principles, processes, and technologies
• Conventional information technology security
• Identifying cybersecurity vulnerabilities
• Classifying cyber attacks and cyber threats
• Physical security
• Operational security
• Electronic / Systems security
-Section 3: Industrial sectors
• Electric utility industry--Specific cybersecurity issues
• Water / Wastewater industry-Specific cybersecurity issues
• Pipeline industry--Specific cybersecurity issues
-Section 4: SCADA security architectures
• The emerging cyber threat to SCADA systems
• Commercial hardware and software vulnerabilities
• Traditional security features of SCADA systems
• Eliminating the vulnerabilities of traditional SCADA systems

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