Data Analysis for Data Base Design

Data Analysis for Data Base Design

by D. R. Howe

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This book is aimed at the systems analyst and designer. The text examines the concepts in detail, taking a practical stance and avoiding the abstract mathematical approach and encouraging a sound grasp of the basic principles. Questions, answer pointers and assignments amplify the text. See more details below


This book is aimed at the systems analyst and designer. The text examines the concepts in detail, taking a practical stance and avoiding the abstract mathematical approach and encouraging a sound grasp of the basic principles. Questions, answer pointers and assignments amplify the text.

Editorial Reviews

Text making the techniques of data analysis more readily available to students of systems analysis. Revised (1st ed. was 1983) to include the SQL relational data base language. Assumes some knowledge of data processing. Annotation c. Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (

Product Details

Publication date:
Data Analysis Series
Edition description:
2nd ed
Product dimensions:
6.89(w) x 9.69(h) x 0.87(d)

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