The Data Asset: How Smart Companies Govern Their Data for Business Success

The Data Asset: How Smart Companies Govern Their Data for Business Success

by Tony Fisher

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Many organizations find that they cannot rely on the information that serves as the very foundation of their business. Unreliable data-whether about your customers, your products, or your suppliers-hinders understanding and affects your bottom line. It seems simple: better data leads to better decisions, which ultimately leads to better business. So why don't

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Many organizations find that they cannot rely on the information that serves as the very foundation of their business. Unreliable data-whether about your customers, your products, or your suppliers-hinders understanding and affects your bottom line. It seems simple: better data leads to better decisions, which ultimately leads to better business. So why don't executives take data quality and data governance more seriously?

The Data Asset: How Smart Companies Govern Their Data for Business Success explores the new shift in the way that successful businesses are thinking about and treating data, moving from simply producing data to a focus on consuming data.

Providing you with guidance for building the business case for data quality and data governance, this book also helps you develop the methodologies and processes that will enable your organization to better treat your data as a strategic asset.

Author and data quality expert Tony Fisher outlines the rules of data governance and looks at how your business can improve data quality, as well as plan and implement an effective data governance program, with discussion of:

  • Risk mitigation
  • Cost control
  • Revenue optimization
  • Data quality and data governance
  • Undisciplined organizations
  • Reactive and proactive organizations
  • Technologies required for effective data quality and data governance

Part of the Wiley and SAS Business Series, The Data Asset: How Smart Companies Govern Their Data for Business Success reveals how to get your data to work for you without breaking the bank or scrapping your current solutions. Making the case for ridding your organization of undependable data and the opportunities that exist when you treat data as a strategic advantage, this book proves-regardless of the industry that your company is in or the business issues that you face-that managing your data is vital to achieving your goals and keeping your business successful.

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Product Details

Publication date:
Wiley and SAS Business Series, #24
Sales rank:
Product dimensions:
6.20(w) x 9.10(h) x 1.00(d)

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