Data Flow 2: Visualizing Information in Graphic Design

Data Flow 2: Visualizing Information in Graphic Design

by R. Klanten, S. Ehmann, N. Bourquin, T. Tissot

International interest in the sophisticated and aesthetic visualization of complex information made Data Flow a bestseller. Today, more and more graphic designers, advertising agencies, motion designers, and artists work in this area. Offering practical advice, background information, case studies, and inspiration, Data Flow 2 is a valuable reference for anyone

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International interest in the sophisticated and aesthetic visualization of complex information made Data Flow a bestseller. Today, more and more graphic designers, advertising agencies, motion designers, and artists work in this area. Offering practical advice, background information, case studies, and inspiration, Data Flow 2 is a valuable reference for anyone working with or interested in information graphics.

Product Details

Die Gestalten Verlag
Publication date:
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Product dimensions:
9.60(w) x 12.00(h) x 1.10(d)

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