Data Management and Internet Computing for Image/Pattern Analysis / Edition 1

Data Management and Internet Computing for Image/Pattern Analysis / Edition 1

5.0 1
by David D. Zhang, Xiaobo Li, Zhiyong Liu

"Data Management and Internet Computing for Image/Pattern Analysis focuses on the data management issues and Internet computing aspect of image processing and pattern recognition research. The book presents a comprehensive overview of the state of the art, providing detailed case studies that emphasize how image and pattern (IAP) data are distributed and exchanged on… See more details below


"Data Management and Internet Computing for Image/Pattern Analysis focuses on the data management issues and Internet computing aspect of image processing and pattern recognition research. The book presents a comprehensive overview of the state of the art, providing detailed case studies that emphasize how image and pattern (IAP) data are distributed and exchanged on sequential and parallel machines, and how the data communication patterns in low- and higher-level IAP computing differ from general numerical computation, what problems they cause and what opportunities they provide. The studies also describe how the images and matrices should be stored, accessed and distributed on different types of machines connected to the Internet, and how Internet resource sharing and data transmission change traditional IAP computing." Data Management and Internet Computing for Image/Pattern Analysis is an excellent reference for researchers and may be used as a text for advanced courses in image processing and pattern recognition.

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Product Details

Springer US
Publication date:
International Series on Asian Studies in Computer and Information Science, #11
Edition description:
Product dimensions:
9.21(w) x 6.14(h) x 0.88(d)

Table of Contents

Pt. ISoftware Management: Models & Algorithms
2Issues of Data Management15
3Typical PRIP Algorithms and IAP Data Management33
4Neural Evolution Model for Gray Level Image Restoration63
5Partial Fractal Model for Hybird Image Coding77
6Best Neighborhood Madle for Block-Based Image Coding97
7Impulse Noise Removal Algorithms for IAP115
Pt. IIIHardware Management: Architectures & Resource Sharing
8Internet Resource Sharing133
9Parallel Processing for Image Restoration151
10Image Storage Management on Parallel Computers167
11Data Management for Sequential Computer Systems195
12Permutation Routing for Interconnection Network221
Pt. IIITypical Examples: Applications & Implementations
13Compression Coding for IAP Data265
14Reduction of Blocking Effects and Removal of Impulse Noise297
15Image Restoration from Internet Transmission Corruption317
16Encryption Coding for IAP Data331

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