Data Management Handbook, 3rd Edition / Edition 3

Data Management Handbook, 3rd Edition / Edition 3

by Sanjiv Purba

Written by leading industry experts, the Data Management Handbook is a comprehensive, single-volume guide to the most innovative ideas on how to plan, develop, and run a powerful data management function - as well as handle day-to-day operations. The book provides practical, hands-on guidance on the strategic, tactical, and technical aspects of data management,

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Written by leading industry experts, the Data Management Handbook is a comprehensive, single-volume guide to the most innovative ideas on how to plan, develop, and run a powerful data management function - as well as handle day-to-day operations. The book provides practical, hands-on guidance on the strategic, tactical, and technical aspects of data management, offering an inside look at how leading companies in various industries meet the challenges of moving to a data-sharing environment.

Product Details

Taylor & Francis
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Product dimensions:
6.60(w) x 9.50(h) x 2.31(d)

Table of Contents

Section I Data Development Methodologies, Definitions, and Strategy
Database Development Methodology and Organization, Sanjiv Purba
A Review of Database System Terminology, Marion G. Ceruti
Developing a Global Information Vision, Tim Christmann
An Approach for Establishing Enterprise Data Standard, Sanjiv Purba
Enterprise Transformation and Data Management, Richard Lee
Building an Integrated Customer Profile, Brian Nicholls
Divestiture IT Planning, Tony Krajewski

Section II Data Models and Modeling Techniques
Evaluation of Four Languages Specifying Conceptual Data Design, James A. Larson and Carol L. Larson
Physical Database Design, James A. Larson and Carol L. Larson
Enabling Consumer Access to Business Databases, James A. Larson and Carol L. Larson
Entity-Relationship Diagrams, James A. Larson and Carol L. Larson
Component Design for Relational Databases, Ashvin Iyengar
Integrating Process and Data Models in a Horizontal Organization, David C. Wallace
Data Warehouse Design: Issues in Dimensional Data Modeling, Jack McElreath

Section III Data Integrity and Quality
The Quality Vortex, Doug Ward
What's Wrong with My Data? Jeffrey Feldman
Programming Data Constraints Using Microsoft SQL Server, Sanjiv Purba
Referential Integrity for Database Design, Bonn-Oh Kim
Data Quality: An Architectural Solution, Sriram Pidaparti

Section IV Data Administration, Security, and Operations
Leveraging Checkpoint Processing, William Pearson
Managing Database Backup and Recovery, Michael Simonyi
Change Management Strategies for Data Administration, Michael K. Miller
Security Models for Object-Oriented Databases, James Cannady
Security Management for the World Wide Web, Lynda L. McGhie and Phillip Q. Maier

Section V Data Migration, Conversion, and Legacy Applications
Data: Ever Changing and Eternally the Same, Bruce Anderson
A Practical Example of Data Conversion, Charles Banyay
Legacy Database Conversion, James Woods
Data Conversion: Doing It Right the First Time, Michael Zimmer

Section VI Database Server and Universal Server Technology
Using DB/2 for OS/390 Stored Procedures, Gary Curdie
Microsoft SQL Server: Key Transact-SQL Features, Sanjiv Purba
Selecting Universal Data Server Technology, James A. Larson and Carol L. Larson
Managing Complex Data Types: Middleware, Universal Data Servers, and Object-Oriented Data Servers, James A. Larson and Carol L. Larson
Creating Effective Batch SQL Jobs, Len Dvorkin
The Advanced Art of Indexing, Lois Richards

Section VII Object Technology, Object Modeling, and Object Databases
Getting the Benefits of Inheritance in Visual Basic, Nancy Stonelake
Data Access Using Microsoft Visual Basic 5.0+ , Stephen D'Silva
Component-Based Development, Nancy Stonelake
Developing ActiveX Internet Server Components with Visual Basic and Rational Rose, Jeff Buller
A Technical Primer for Getting Started with JavaBeans, Charles Dow
Enterprise Java, David Wadsworth
JavaBeans and Java Enterrpise Server Platform, David Wadsworth
Distributed Objects and Object Wrapping, Hedy Alban

Section VIII Distributed Databases, Portability, and Interoperability
The Next Step in DBMS Management, Paul Korzeniowski
Server-Based Computing Architecture, Bosco Cheung
Distributed Database Design, Elizabeth N. Fong, Charles L. Sheppard, and Kathryn A. Harvill
Managing Multiple Databases Across Heterogeneous Hardward and Software Systems, James Woods
Mobile and Federated Database Interoperability, Antonio Si

Section IX Data Replication
The Power of Transformational Data Replication, Jason Weir
Database Replication: Application Design and Deployment Issues, Jagdish Mirami
Secure Information Through a Replicated Architecture, Judith N. Froscher

Section X Data and the Internet, Intranets, and the Web
Developing Client/Server RDBMS Applications Using Java Servlets and JDBC, Jonathan Held
Knowledge Management on the Internet: The Web/Business Intelligence Solution, Jason Weir
Building Database-Enabled Web Applications with IDC, Ido Gileadi
Intranets: Notes versus the Internet, Brett Molotsky
Web-Enabled Data Warehouses, Mary Ayala-Bush, John Jordan, and Walter Kuketz

Section XI Data Warehousing, Decision Support, and OLAP
Developing a Corporate Data Warehousing Strategy, Manjit Sidhu
Business Rules for Time Variant Dimensions, R. Michael Pickering
Implementing a Hybrid Online Analytical Processing (HOLAP) Solution, Diane Johnson
A Framework for Developing an Enterprise Data Warehousing Solution, Ali H. Murtaza
Why Dimensional Modeling is Right for Decision Support, R. Michael Pickering

Section XII Data Mining
Is Data Mining Merely Hype? David Yeo
Discovering Knowledge in Corporate Databases, Younghoc Yoon
Data Mining: Exploring the Modern Corporate Asset, Jason Weir
When A Business Abandons a Data Mine: A Case Study, Ronald A. Wencer
Multimedia Databases and Data Mining, Venkat N. Gudivada and Yonjian Fu

Section XIII Document Management
Evolution in Systems Development and the Parallels in Document Management, Charles Banyay
Preparing Organizations for Louts Notes/Domino Solutions, Michael Simonyi
Terms of Reference: The Foundation for Implementing Document Management Systems, Michael J.D. Sutton and
Pierre J. Lemay
Strategies for an Archive Management Program: Digital Preservation of Corporate Information, Michael J.D. Sutton
Integrating EDMS and DBMS, Charles Banyay

Section XIV Industry Specific and Package Solutions
Choosing Your ERP Implementation Strategy, Marie Karakanian
ERP Packages: What's Next, Conghua Li
Maximizing ROI by Leveraging the Second Wave of ERP, Judy Dinn
Integrating Package Processes over Multiple Application Platforms, Ido Gileadi
Have Actuary, Will Travel: Insurance and Information Technology on the Global Stage, Laura DiSisto

Section XV LINUX Fundamentals
Gauging How Linux May Change the DBMS Market, Paul Korzeniowski
Open Source Model of Software Development, Srivinas Padmanabharao
Linux and the Web, Srivinas Padmanabharao
Linux: Alternative Directions in Computing, Michael Simonyi

Section XVI Emerging Practices and Directions
Business to Business Integration to Using E-Commerce, Ido Gileadi
Domestic Control Over a Global Phenomenon, Elisabeth Ostiguy
Ensuring Call Centre Quality: A Case Study, Michelle Bur

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