Data Management: Databases & Organizations / Edition 5

Data Management: Databases & Organizations / Edition 5

by Richard T. Watson

Wanted: Expert Data Modeling and SQL Skills… Inquire Within.

Data modeling and SQL—these are the data management skills that are in demand in today’s job market. That’s why Richard Watson’s Fifth Edition of Data Management: Databases and Organizations offers in-depth, fully integrated coverage of data modeling and

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Wanted: Expert Data Modeling and SQL Skills… Inquire Within.

Data modeling and SQL—these are the data management skills that are in demand in today’s job market. That’s why Richard Watson’s Fifth Edition of Data Management: Databases and Organizations offers in-depth, fully integrated coverage of data modeling and SQL, and a broad managerial perspective.

Updated with the latest developments in the field, the Fifth Edition will help you design and create relational databases, formulate complex SQL queries, understand OLAP, use SQL with Java, learn how to use XML, and prepare yourself for the real world of data management.

New Features of the Fifth Edition:

  • A new chapter on embedded SQL in Java and JDBC
  • A section on multidimensional expressions (MDX)
  • New material on content management systems (CMS) and wiki technology
  • Greater focus on MySQL
  • Increased coverage of mandatory and optional elements in data modeling

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Product Details

Publication date:
Edition description:
Product dimensions:
7.50(w) x 9.25(h) x 1.35(d)

Table of Contents

The Managerial Perspective.

1. Managing Data.

2. Information.

Data Modeling and SQL.

3. The Single Entity.

4. The One-to-Many Relationship.

5. The Many-to-Many Relationship.

6. One-to-One and Recursive Relationships.

7. Data Modeling.

Basic Structures.

8. Normalization and Other Data Modeling Methods.

9. The Relational Model and Relational Algebra.

10. SQL.

SQL Playbook.

Database Architectures and Implementations.

11. Data Structure and Storage.

12. Data Processing Architectures.

13. Object-Oriented Data Management.

14. Spatial and Temporal Data Management.

Organizational Memory Technologies.

15. Organizational Intelligence Technologies.

16. The Web and Data Management.

17. SQL and Java.

18. XML: Managing Data Exchange.

Managing Organizational Memory.

19. Data Integrity.

20. Data Administration.

21. U-Commerce and Data Management.

Photo Credits.


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