Data Mining and Analysis: Fundamental Concepts and Algorithms

Data Mining and Analysis: Fundamental Concepts and Algorithms

by Mohammed J. Zaki, Wagner Meira, Jr.

A comprehensive overview of data mining from an algorithmic perspective, integrating related concepts from machine learning and statistics.See more details below


A comprehensive overview of data mining from an algorithmic perspective, integrating related concepts from machine learning and statistics.

Product Details

Cambridge University Press
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Product dimensions:
7.20(w) x 10.40(h) x 1.30(d)

Table of Contents

1. Data mining and analysis; Part I. Data Analysis Foundations: 2. Numeric attributes; 3. Categorical attributes; 4. Graph data; 5. Kernel methods; 6. High-dimensional data; 7. Dimensionality reduction; Part II. Frequent Pattern Mining: 8. Itemset mining; 9. Summarizing itemsets; 10. Sequence mining; 11. Graph pattern mining; 12. Pattern and rule assessment; Part III. Clustering: 13. Representative-based clustering; 14. Hierarchical clustering; 15. Density-based clustering; 16. Spectral and graph clustering; 17. Clustering validation; Part IV. Classification: 18. Probabilistic classification; 19. Decision tree classifier; 20. Linear discriminant analysis; 21. Support vector machines; 22. Classification assessment.

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