Data Mining

Data Mining

by Bhavani Thuraisingham, Thuraisingham, Thuraisingham Thuraisingham

Focusing on a data-centric perspective, this book provides a complete overview of data mining: its uses, methods, current technologies, commercial products, and future challenges.

Three parts divide Data Mining:

  • Part I describes technologies for data mining - database systems, warehousing, machine learning, visualization, decision support, statistics,
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    Focusing on a data-centric perspective, this book provides a complete overview of data mining: its uses, methods, current technologies, commercial products, and future challenges.

    Three parts divide Data Mining:

  • Part I describes technologies for data mining - database systems, warehousing, machine learning, visualization, decision support, statistics, parallel processing, and architectural support for data mining
  • Part II presents tools and techniques - getting the data ready, carrying out the mining, pruning the results, evaluating outcomes, defining specific approaches, examining a specific technique based on logic programming, and citing literature and vendors for up-to-date information
  • Part III examines emerging trends - mining distributed and heterogeneous data sources; multimedia data, such as text, images, video; mining data on the World Wide Web; metadata aspects of mining; and privacy issues.

    This self-contained book also contains two appendices providing exceptional information on technologies, such as data management, and artificial intelligence.

    Is there a need for mining? Do you have the right tools? Do you have the people to do the work? Do you have sufficient funds allocated to the project? All these answers must be answered before embarking on a project. Data Mining provides singular guidance on appropriate applications for specific techniques as well as thoroughly assesses valuable product information.

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    Product Details

    Taylor & Francis
    Publication date:
    Database Management/Design Series
    Edition description:
    New Edition
    Product dimensions:
    6.14(w) x 9.21(h) x 0.69(d)

    Table of Contents

    Database Systems
    Data Warehousing
    Some Other Technologies for Data Mining
    Architectural Support for Data Mining
    Data Mining from Start to Finish
    Data Mining Outcomes, Approaches, and Techniques
    Logic Programming as a Data Mining Technique
    Data Mining Tools
    Mining Distributed, Heterogeneous, and Legacy Databases
    Data Mining on Multimedia Data
    Data Mining and the World Wide Web
    Security and Privacy Issues of Data Mining
    Metadata Aspects of Mining
    Summary and Directions
    Data Management
    Artificial Intelligence

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