Data Mining for Intelligence, Fraud & Criminal Detection: Advanced Analytics & Information Sharing Technologies

Data Mining for Intelligence, Fraud & Criminal Detection: Advanced Analytics & Information Sharing Technologies

by Christopher Westphal

In 2004, the Government Accountability Office provided a report detailing approximately 200 government-based data-mining projects. While there is comfort in knowing that there are many effective systems, that comfort isn’t worth much unless we can determine that these systems are being effectively and responsibly employed.

Written by one of the most

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In 2004, the Government Accountability Office provided a report detailing approximately 200 government-based data-mining projects. While there is comfort in knowing that there are many effective systems, that comfort isn’t worth much unless we can determine that these systems are being effectively and responsibly employed.

Written by one of the most respected consultants in the area of data mining and security, Data Mining for Intelligence, Fraud & Criminal Detection: Advanced Analytics & Information Sharing Technologies reviews the tangible results produced by these systems and evaluates their effectiveness. While CSI-type shows may depict information sharing and analysis that are accomplished with the push of a button, this sort of proficiency is more fiction than reality. Going beyond a discussion of the various technologies, the author outlines the issues of information sharing and the effective interpretation of results, which are critical to any integrated homeland security effort.

Organized into three main sections, the book fully examines and outlines the future of this field with an insider’s perspective and a visionary’s insight.

  • Section 1 provides a fundamental understanding of the types of data that can be used in current systems. It covers approaches to analyzing data and clearly delineates how to connect the dots among different data elements
  • Section 2 provides real-world examples derived from actual operational systems to show how data is used, manipulated, and interpreted in domains involving human smuggling, money laundering, narcotics trafficking, and corporate fraud
  • Section 3 provides an overview of the many information-sharing systems, organizations, and task forces as well as data interchange formats. It also discusses optimal information-sharing and analytical architectures

Currently, there is very little published literature that truly defines real-world'systems. Although politics and other factors all play into how much one agency is willing to support the sharing of its resources, many now embrace the wisdom of that path. This book will provide those individuals with an understanding of what approaches are currently available and how they can be most effectively employed.

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Product Details

Taylor & Francis
Publication date:
Edition description:
New Edition
Product dimensions:
7.00(w) x 10.10(h) x 0.90(d)

Table of Contents



Sharing Data

Connect the Dots

Analytical Versus Referential Data

Information Sharing


The Quality of Data


Value Errors

Missing Data and Bad Structures

Unique Addresses

Distinct Phone Numbers

Individual ID Numbers

Anomalous Accounts

One-of-a-Kind Transactions

Original Organizations

Perspicuous People

Entity Resolution

Anonymous Resolution


What Are Patterns?


Which Pattern Is More Important?

Do These Patterns Make Sense?

Is This a Reliable Pattern?

Is This an Actionable Pattern?

Which Pattern Is More Valuable?

What Does this Pattern Show?

Who Is the Most Important Person?


Border Protection


I-94 Arrival/Departure Records

Land Border Targeting

Cluster by Hour of the Day (HOD)

Cluster by Day of the Week (DOW)

Cluster by Date

Cluster by Port of Entry (POE)

Clusters by Lane

Cluster by Inspector

Cluster by City/State

Cluster by VIN

Putting It Together


Money Laundering and Financial Crimes


Suspicious Activity Reports

Structuring Transactions

Bust-Out Schemes

A Consumer Bust-Out Scheme

Busting and Kiting

Identity Fraud

Large Connections

Attorneys and Law Firms

Cheap Motels

Location, Location, Location

Individual Taxpayer Identification Number

SAR Versus STR

Timing Is Everything

False Temporal Patterns

A Final Note


Money Service Businesses


What Is a Money Service Business?

Why Wire Remitters?

Steps of a Wire Remittance

Structure of a Wire Transfer

Combating Human Smuggling

The Smuggling Process

Changing the Rules

Seizing Assets

Corridor States

Drug Dealers

Suspicious Activity Reports

Elder Abuse Pattern

Ornery Old Man

Other MSB Patterns

Multiple Locations

Minimal Overlaps

Official Deposits

Heavenly Offerings

Dirty Dancing


Fraud Analytics


Warranty Fraud Anecdotes

Automobile Warranties

Hurricane Katrina

Corporate Frauds

Employees as Vendors

Vendors as Vendors

Corporate Expenses

Duplicate Payments

Human Resources

Gift Card Fraud

Additional Examples


Phishing/Click Fraud

Tax Evasion

Medicare Claim Fraud


Information-Sharing Protocols


Global Justice XML Data Model (Global JXDM)

Data Dictionary

Data Model

Component Reuse Repository

National Information Exchange Model

28 CFR Part 23


Information-Sharing Systems


Automated Regional Justice Information System (ARJIS)

Citizen and Law Enforcement Analysis and Reporting (CLEAR)

Comprehensive Regional Information Management Exchange System


Factual Analysis Criminal Threat Solution (FACTS) System

Florida Information Network for Data Exchange and Retrieval (FINDER)

Ohio Local Law Enforcement Information Sharing Network (OLLEISN)

Law Enforcement Information Exchange (LInX)

OneDOJ, R-DEx, N-DEx

Law Enforcement Online (LEO)

Joint Regional Information Exchange System (JRIES)

Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF)

State-Level Fusion Centers

High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (HIDTA)

High Intensity Financial Crime Area (HIFCA)

Regional Information Sharing System (RISSs)



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