Data Mining X: Data Mining, Protection, Detection and other Security Technologies

Data Mining X: Data Mining, Protection, Detection and other Security Technologies

by A. Zanasi

Since the end of the Cold War, the threat of large-scale wars has been substituted by new threats: terrorism, organised crime, trafficking, smuggling, proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. To react to them, a security strategy is necessary, but in order to be effective it requires several instruments, including technological tools. Consequently,

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Since the end of the Cold War, the threat of large-scale wars has been substituted by new threats: terrorism, organised crime, trafficking, smuggling, proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. To react to them, a security strategy is necessary, but in order to be effective it requires several instruments, including technological tools. Consequently, research and development in the field of security is proving to be an ever-expanding field all over the world. Data mining is seen more and more not only as a key technology in business, engineering and science but as one of the key features in security. To stress that all these technologies must be seen as a way to improve not only the security of citizens but also their freedom, special attention will be given to data protection research issues. The 10th International Conference on Data Mining is part of the successful series and the topics include: Text mining and text analytics; Data mining applications; Data mining methods.

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Product Details

WIT Press
Publication date:
WIT Transactions on Information and Communication Technologies Series
Product dimensions:
6.20(w) x 9.30(h) x 0.60(d)

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