Data Modeling and Design for Today's Architectures

Data Modeling and Design for Today's Architectures

by Angelo R. Bobak

Written for database novices and pros alike, this new book helps you strengthen your command of the underlying theory and practical techniques associated with data modeling and design — and shows you how to better apply these concepts to today's newest database architectures.See more details below


Written for database novices and pros alike, this new book helps you strengthen your command of the underlying theory and practical techniques associated with data modeling and design — and shows you how to better apply these concepts to today's newest database architectures.

Editorial Reviews

Refers to the architecture of designing databases rather than houses. For novices and veterans in databases, outlines the basic concepts such a logical and physical modeling, normalization, and denormalization; then relates those ideas to advanced platforms for distributed homogeneous, multi, and federated database architectures. Also explains how basic modeling and design techniques are used in such products as CASE tools and management systems for both relational and object-oriented databases. The 3.5<"> disk contains sample applications, which must be unzipped and run in Borland's Delphi. Annotation c. by Book News, Inc., Portland, Or.

Product Details

Artech House, Incorporated
Publication date:
The Artech House Computer Science Library
Edition description:
Product dimensions:
6.26(w) x 9.43(h) x 1.34(d)

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