Data Modeling For Everyone / Edition 1

Data Modeling For Everyone / Edition 1


Data Modeling is about gathering, documenting, and communicating the elements and structure of business information. What begins as a conceptual interplay of logical data units, through the application of relational theory, becomes the basis for creating a physical database design.

Data Modeling is a core skill for data professionals, and is a full time job for a

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Data Modeling is about gathering, documenting, and communicating the elements and structure of business information. What begins as a conceptual interplay of logical data units, through the application of relational theory, becomes the basis for creating a physical database design.

Data Modeling is a core skill for data professionals, and is a full time job for a small but growing number of IT practitioners. It is a crucial stage prior to good quality relational database design.

Data Modeling for Everyone is for those who:

  • Have no previous data modeling experience
  • Want to understand the role of the data modeler in database design

  • Need to know how to capture the essence of a system but don't know where to start
  • Want more than just the theory and learn best from real world experience
  • Require a book before other data design books – helping you develop a logical model rather than assuming one exists that needs to be implemented in a database

    Data Modeling for Everyone provides a solid foundation in the following tools & techniques:

  • The different types of data modeling – enterprise, transactional, and dimensional
  • The stages of analysis – developing conceptual, logical, and physical models
  • What to do if you need to work with existing systems – reverse engineering and forensic analysis
  • General principles for converting logical models to physical ones
  • Modeling scope – focusing on what's important but allowing for future development of your model
  • Defining detail – entity relationship (E/R), key based, and fully attributed models
  • Documenting your understanding of the business in the model
  • Graphical data modeling, focusing on the IDEF1X notation

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  • Product Details

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    Product dimensions:
    (w) x (h) x 0.05(d)

    Table of Contents

    Ch. 1Data Modeling: an Overview9
    Ch. 2Relational Modeling27
    Ch. 3Introduction To Relational Theory67
    Ch. 4Levels of Analysis89
    Ch. 5How Data Models Fit Into Projects115
    Ch. 6Building a Conceptual Model139
    Ch. 7Building a Logical Model179
    Ch. 8Transformation - Logical To Physical231
    Ch. 9Designing Only a Physical Model271
    Ch. 10Dimensional Data Modeling301
    Ch. 11Reverse Engineering a Data Model343
    Ch. 12Communication with the Model389
    Ch. 13Further Data Analysis411
    Ch. 14Meta Data Modeling441
    Ch. 15Data Modeling Working Practices459

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