Data Modeling for Information Professionals

Data Modeling for Information Professionals

by Bob Schmidt, David (Ed.) Warren, David Warren

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No matter what role you play in managing information, you need an in-depth understanding of how to structure data. Data Modeling for Information Professionals gives you what you need - painlessly! Based on an interactive course that's been earning raves for years, it's the informal, friendly, real-world introduction to data modeling. Discover what data models are,… See more details below


No matter what role you play in managing information, you need an in-depth understanding of how to structure data. Data Modeling for Information Professionals gives you what you need - painlessly! Based on an interactive course that's been earning raves for years, it's the informal, friendly, real-world introduction to data modeling. Discover what data models are, what makes them successful, and what makes them fail; walk through every component of an enterprise data model; understand domains, predicates, entities, classes, relationships, attributes, and more; and learn from enterprise case studies and extensive nontrivial examples. Great for data administrators, analysts, SMEs, DBAs, and project managers!

Editorial Reviews

Explains to members of a project team creating an information system, especially a computerized system, how to structure data. Discusses such aspects as what data models are, what makes them successful and fail, the components of an enterprise data model, domains, predicates, entities, classes, relationships, and attributes. The CD-ROM contains two full-function CASE repositories developed during the redesign of a travel tour company. Annotation c. by Book News, Inc., Portland, Or.

Product Details

Prentice Hall Professional Technical Reference
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Product dimensions:
7.30(w) x 9.59(h) x 1.29(d)

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