Data Patterns: Patterns & Practices

Data Patterns: Patterns & Practices

by Microsoft Corporation, Carsten Zeitz, Michael Kiel, Christopher Etz

Get expert guidance on using patterns to expedite the design and development of data services in an enterprise business solution. Patterns provide a common vocabulary and taxonomy for database designers, developers, and architects to describe solutions concisely. Each pattern contains a simple mechanism for solving a commonly recurring technical challenge and

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Get expert guidance on using patterns to expedite the design and development of data services in an enterprise business solution. Patterns provide a common vocabulary and taxonomy for database designers, developers, and architects to describe solutions concisely. Each pattern contains a simple mechanism for solving a commonly recurring technical challenge and enables the reuse of key architectural, design, and implementation decisions. While each pattern can be understood and applied alone, you can also combine these patterns together to simplify the development of complex systems.

Software design professionals have increasingly recognized the value of patterns as a language for sharing design experiences and improving the reliability and productivity of their solutions. This book embraces and extends the work of the growing patterns community by showing how to use patterns to solve data problems within the enterprise with Microsoft products and technologies. These patterns address the need to create the database designs and the data services that exist invisibly to the applications that use the data; in other words, the data and services that exist within the data ecosystem. This reference contains a catalog of 12 data patterns, including examples of implementations that use Microsoft SQL Server. All PATTERNS & PRACTICES guides are reviewed and approved by Microsoft engineering teams, consultants, partners, and customers—delivering accurate, real-world information that’s been technically validated and tested.

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Product Details

Microsoft Press
Publication date:
Patterns & Practices Series
Product dimensions:
7.40(w) x 9.02(h) x 0.63(d)

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