Data Protection for the HR Manager

Data Protection for the HR Manager

by Mandy Webster

Mandy Webster's book provides a practical and comprehensive guide to the complex issue of data protection within human resources, looking at the implications throughout the employment lifecycle.

It effectively brings together the strict legal requirements with best practice standards of relevant codes of practice, including the Employment Practices Data

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Mandy Webster's book provides a practical and comprehensive guide to the complex issue of data protection within human resources, looking at the implications throughout the employment lifecycle.

It effectively brings together the strict legal requirements with best practice standards of relevant codes of practice, including the Employment Practices Data Protection Code.

If you are an HR manager and concerned to stay on the right side of the law of data protection, then this book is your essential reference.

Product Details

Ashgate Publishing, Limited
Publication date:
Product dimensions:
9.61(w) x 6.77(h) x 0.67(d)

Table of Contents

Introduction. Part I Actions for Employers: Managing data protection; Rights and lawful processing; Issues relating to recruitment; Monitoring issues; Staff training; Outsourcing HR activities; Employee benefits; Corporate issues; Employee administration; Marketing to staff. Part II Explanation of the Legal Requirements: Definitions; Introduction to the principles; The first principle; The second principle; The third principle; The fourth principle; The fifth principle; The sixth principle; The seventh principle; The eighth principle; The information commissioner; Notification; Criminal Offences; Index.

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