Data Quality For The Information Age / Edition 1

Data Quality For The Information Age / Edition 1

by Thomas C. Redman

This informative book goes beyond the technical aspects of data management to provide detailed analyses of quality problems and their impacts, potential solutions and how they are combined to form an overall data quality program, senior management's role, methods used to make improvements, and the life-cycle of data quality. It concludes with case studies, summaries… See more details below


This informative book goes beyond the technical aspects of data management to provide detailed analyses of quality problems and their impacts, potential solutions and how they are combined to form an overall data quality program, senior management's role, methods used to make improvements, and the life-cycle of data quality. It concludes with case studies, summaries of main points, roles and responsibilities for each individual, and a helpful listing of "dos and don'ts".

Product Details

Artech House, Incorporated
Publication date:
Product dimensions:
6.00(w) x 9.00(h) x 0.88(d)

Table of Contents

Ch. 1Why Care About Data Quality?3
Ch. 2Strategies for Improving Data Accuracy17
Ch. 3Data Quality Policy37
Ch. 4Starting and Nurturing a Data Quality Program55
Ch. 5Data Quality and Re-engineering at AT&T69
Ch. 6Data Quality Across the Corporation: Telstra's Experiences85
Ch. 7Managing Information Chains99
Ch. 8Process Representation and the Functions of Information Processing Approach119
Ch. 9Data Quality Requirements139
Ch. 10Statistical Quality Control155
Ch. 11Measurement Systems, Data Tracking, and Process Improvement185
Ch. 12Just What Is (or Are) Data?215
Ch. 13Dimensions of Data Quality245
Ch. 14Summary: Roles and Responsibilities273
About the Author295

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