Data Science For Dummies

Data Science For Dummies

4.0 1
by Lillian Pierson

Discover how data science can help you gain in-depth insightinto your business – the easy way!

Jobs in data science abound, but few people have the datascience skills needed to fill these increasingly important roles inorganizations. Data Science For Dummies is the perfectstarting point for IT professionals and students interested inmaking

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Discover how data science can help you gain in-depth insightinto your business – the easy way!

Jobs in data science abound, but few people have the datascience skills needed to fill these increasingly important roles inorganizations. Data Science For Dummies is the perfectstarting point for IT professionals and students interested inmaking sense of their organization’s massive data sets andapplying their findings to real-world business scenarios. Fromuncovering rich data sources to managing large amounts of datawithin hardware and software limitations, ensuring consistency inreporting, merging various data sources, and beyond, you’lldevelop the know-how you need to effectively interpret data andtell a story that can be understood by anyone in yourorganization.

  • Provides a background in data science fundamentals beforemoving on to working with relational databases and unstructureddata and preparing your data for analysis
  • Details different data visualization techniques that can beused to showcase and summarize your data
  • Explains both supervised and unsupervised machine learning,including regression, model validation, and clusteringtechniques
  • Includes coverage of big data processing tools like MapReduce,Hadoop, Dremel, Storm, and Spark

It’s a big, big data world out there – let DataScience For Dummies help you harness its power and gain acompetitive edge for your organization.

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For Dummies Series
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7.30(w) x 9.20(h) x 0.90(d)

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