Data Sharing Using a Common Data Architecture

Data Sharing Using a Common Data Architecture

by Michael H. Brackett

Data Sharing Using a Common Data Architecture Wouldn’t it be a pleasure to know and understand all the data in your organization? Wouldn’t it be great to easily identify and readily share those data to develop information that supports business strategies? Wouldn’t it be wonderful to have a formal data resource that provides just-in-time data for… See more details below


Data Sharing Using a Common Data Architecture Wouldn’t it be a pleasure to know and understand all the data in your organization? Wouldn’t it be great to easily identify and readily share those data to develop information that supports business strategies? Wouldn’t it be wonderful to have a formal data resource that provides just-in-time data for developing just-in-time information to support just-in-time decision making? Data Sharing Using a Common Data Architecture shows you how by:

  • Defining a common data architecture, its contents, and its uses
  • Refining data to a common data architecture
  • Discussing disparate data, its structure, quality, and how to identify it
  • Describing how Data Sharing Reality is achieved
  • Focusing on the importance of people and creating a win-win situation
  • Providing a data lexicon and extensive glossary
Data Sharing Using a Common Data Architecture is must reading for data administrators, database administrators, MIS project leaders, application programmers, systems analysts, MIS trainers and instructors, and graduate students.

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Editorial Reviews

Defines a common data architecture, its contents, and its uses; describes how a common data architecture is developed for defining disparate data in a common context and sharing those data across projects within an organization and across organizations; and explains how a common data architecture is used to achieve short-term, incrementally cost-effective benefits with minimum impact on business operations, while achieving long-term goals. Annotation c. Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (

Product Details

Publication date:
Professional Computing Series
Product dimensions:
7.50(w) x 9.19(h) x 0.94(d)

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