Data Visualization with D3 and AngularJS

Data Visualization with D3 and AngularJS

by Christoph Korner

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Using D3.js, the powerful JavaScript toolkit for creating cross-platform vector graphics, you can now combine performance with maximum compatibility to build a web-based visualization and present data in an interactive and convenient way. We'll reach top-notch reusability and testability by combining D3 graphics with our favorite web application framework,

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Using D3.js, the powerful JavaScript toolkit for creating cross-platform vector graphics, you can now combine performance with maximum compatibility to build a web-based visualization and present data in an interactive and convenient way. We'll reach top-notch reusability and testability by combining D3 graphics with our favorite web application framework, AngularJS.

This book teaches the basics of vector graphics, D3, and AngularJS integration, and then dives into controlling, manipulating, and filtering data. You will learn about the testability of components and how to implement custom interactions, filters, and controllers; discover how to parse and map data in D3.js; and get a grasp on drawing D3.js built-in shapes and curves. After reading the last few chapters, you'll be able to bring life to your visualizations with more features of D3.js such as interactions, animations, and transitions. You will finish your journey by implementing a parser for different server application logs and display them on a Google Analytics style interactive dashboard.

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Packt Publishing
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