Data Warehousing 101: Concepts and Implementation

Data Warehousing 101: Concepts and Implementation

by Arshad Khan

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Data Warehousing 101: Concepts and Implementation will appeal to those planning data warehouse projects, senior executives, project managers, and project implementation team members. It will also be useful to functional managers, business analysts, developers, power users, and end-users. Data Warehousing 101: Concepts and Implementation, whichSee more details below


Data Warehousing 101: Concepts and Implementation will appeal to those planning data warehouse projects, senior executives, project managers, and project implementation team members. It will also be useful to functional managers, business analysts, developers, power users, and end-users. Data Warehousing 101: Concepts and Implementation, which can be used as a textbook in an introductory data warehouse course, can also be used as a supplemental text in IT courses that cover the subject of data warehousing.

Data Warehousing 101: Concepts and Implementation reviews the evolution of data warehousing and its growth drivers, process and architecture, data warehouse characteristics and design, data marts, multi-dimensionality, and OLAP. It also shows how to plan a data warehouse project as well as build and operate data warehouses. Data Warehousing 101: Concepts and Implementation also covers, in depth, common failure causes and mistakes and provides useful guidelines and tips for avoiding common mistakes.

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iUniverse, Incorporated
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6.00(w) x 9.00(h) x 0.32(d)

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