Data Warehousing Design And Advanced Engineering Applications

Data Warehousing Design And Advanced Engineering Applications

by Ladjel Bellatreche

Data warehousing and online analysis technologies have shown their effectiveness in managing and analyzing a large amount of disparate data, attracting much attention from numerous research communities. Data Warehousing Design and Advanced Engineering Applications: Methods for Complex Construction covers the complete process of analyzing data to extract,

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Data warehousing and online analysis technologies have shown their effectiveness in managing and analyzing a large amount of disparate data, attracting much attention from numerous research communities. Data Warehousing Design and Advanced Engineering Applications: Methods for Complex Construction covers the complete process of analyzing data to extract, transform, load, and manage the essential components of a data warehousing system. A defining collection of field discoveries, this advanced title provides significant industry solutions for those involved in this distinct research community.

Product Details

IGI Global
Publication date:
Advances in Data Warehousing and Mining (ADWM) Book Series
Product dimensions:
8.60(w) x 11.20(h) x 1.10(d)

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Table of Contents

Ch. 1 From User Requirements to Conceptual Design in Warehouse Design: A Survey 1

Ch. 2 Data Extraction, Transformation and Integration Guided by an Ontology 17

Ch. 3 X-WACoDa: An XML-Based Approach for Warehousing and Analyzing Complex Data 38

Ch. 4 Designing Data Marts from XML and Relational Data Sources 55

Ch. 5 Ontology-Based Integration of Heterogeneous, Incomplete and Imprecise Data Dedicated to a Decision Support System for Food Safety 81

Ch. 6 On Modeling and Analysis of Multidimensional Geographic Databases 96

Ch. 7 View Selection and Materialization 114

Ch. 8 ChunkSim: A Tool and Analysis of Performance and Availability Balancing 131

Ch. 9 QoS-Oriented Grid-Enabled Data Warehouses 150

Ch. 10 Data Warehouse Maintenance, Evolution and Versioning 171

Ch. 11 Construction and Maintenance of Heterogeneous Data Warehouses 189

Ch. 12 On Querying Data and Metadata in Multiversion Data Warehouse 206

Ch. 13 Ontology Query Languages for Ontology-Based Databases: A Survey 227

Ch. 14 Ontology-Based Database Approach for Handling Preferences 248

Ch. 15 Security in Data Warehouses 272

Compilation of References 280

Index 315

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