Data Warehousing For Dummies

Data Warehousing For Dummies

by Alan R. Simon

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Data warehousing is a valuable, proven approach to providing business users at all levels of an organization with the information they need to make high-impact decisions — only if the right technologies, architecture, and techniques are used. Data Warehousing For Dummies is the down-to-earth, no-hype reference that covers everything you need to know aboutSee more details below


Data warehousing is a valuable, proven approach to providing business users at all levels of an organization with the information they need to make high-impact decisions — only if the right technologies, architecture, and techniques are used. Data Warehousing For Dummies is the down-to-earth, no-hype reference that covers everything you need to know about data warehousing in today's technology — and even tomorrow's. From the different types of tools that exist to the steps you use to develop a data warehouse, this book has it all!

Inside, find helpful advice on how to

  • Choose the right architecture and approach for your data warehouse
  • Select data warehousing technologies and products
  • Correctly and efficiently analyze data sources and choose what should be in your data warehouse
  • Bring external data into your data warehouse
  • Build a winning development team for your data warehousing project
  • Look ahead to tomorrow's data warehousing technology and what it means for your project

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Product Details

Publication date:
For Dummies Series
Product dimensions:
0.75(w) x 7.50(h) x 9.25(d)

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