Data Warehousing: Strategies, Technologies, and Techniques

Data Warehousing: Strategies, Technologies, and Techniques

by Rob Mattison, Brigitte Mattison

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Data warehouseing is key information management strategy for businesses that want to stay competitive into the next century. With this practical,information-packed sourcebook enterprise computing professionals will discover how to design and build an effective data warehousing system. Author Rob Mattison provides a well-organized,step-by-step plan and offers a… See more details below


Data warehouseing is key information management strategy for businesses that want to stay competitive into the next century. With this practical,information-packed sourcebook enterprise computing professionals will discover how to design and build an effective data warehousing system. Author Rob Mattison provides a well-organized,step-by-step plan and offers a valuable,vendor-independent examination of the available tools and products. He explains the key concepts of business process reengineering,client/server technology,systems architecture,online analytical processing (OLAP),and decision support systems (DS) that are critical to data warehousing.

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McGraw-Hill Companies, The
Publication date:
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6.28(w) x 9.31(h) x 1.40(d)

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