Database 5 for Windows Programming for Dummies

Database 5 for Windows Programming for Dummies

by James Coombs, Ted Coombs

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Whether you've never programmed a database before or just haven't yet tried your hand at dBASE 5 for Windows, dBASE 5 For Windows Programming For Dummies is the book for you. Authors and database pros Ted and Jason Coombs show you the ins and outs of object-oriented and visual programming so that you can create your own database applications that fit yourSee more details below


Whether you've never programmed a database before or just haven't yet tried your hand at dBASE 5 for Windows, dBASE 5 For Windows Programming For Dummies is the book for you. Authors and database pros Ted and Jason Coombs show you the ins and outs of object-oriented and visual programming so that you can create your own database applications that fit your needs far better than any off-the-shelf database ever could. In plain English, dBASE 5 For Windows Programming For Dummies shows you how to

  • Build a user interface and control the look and feel of your application
  • Create and refine the tables where your information will live
  • Use events and procedures that take advantage of the features built into Windows
  • Customize reports to present information just the way you need it
  • Incorporate object linking and embedding (OLE) so that different kinds of information can be shared within and among applications
  • Develop forms and controls to make your database applications easy for you and others to access

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Product Details

Wiley, John & Sons, Incorporated
Publication date:
For Dummies Series
Product dimensions:
7.35(w) x 9.14(h) x 1.05(d)

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