Database Access with Visual Basic 5.X

Database Access with Visual Basic 5.X

by Jeffrey P. McManus, Jeffrey MacManus

Database Access with Visual Basic is the only book that takes an object paradigm approach for component-based solutions to modern, distributed enterprise implementations. Database Access with Visual Basic's major emphasis is on solutions, not technology. Rather than rattling off a list of features, diagrams, and acronyms, this book provides step-by-step examples of… See more details below


Database Access with Visual Basic is the only book that takes an object paradigm approach for component-based solutions to modern, distributed enterprise implementations. Database Access with Visual Basic's major emphasis is on solutions, not technology. Rather than rattling off a list of features, diagrams, and acronyms, this book provides step-by-step examples of all the most important techniques developers typically go through in creating database applications. From setting up a database, building a user interface, and writing queries, to constructing a three-tiered client server system based on SQL Server and ActiveX components providing business rule validation, this book talks you through the most common cases and shows you many of the tricks and traps of real-world database development using Visual Basic.

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7.39(w) x 9.12(h) x 1.92(d)

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