Database and Applications Security / Edition 1

Database and Applications Security / Edition 1

by Bhavani Thuraisingham, Bhavani M. Thuraisingham, Bhavani Thruaisingham

This is the first book to provide an in-depth coverage of all the developments, issues and challenges in secure databases and applications. It provides directions for data and application security, including securing emerging applications such as bioinformatics, stream information processing and peer-to-peer computing.

Divided into eight sections, each of which

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This is the first book to provide an in-depth coverage of all the developments, issues and challenges in secure databases and applications. It provides directions for data and application security, including securing emerging applications such as bioinformatics, stream information processing and peer-to-peer computing.

Divided into eight sections, each of which focuses on a key concept of secure databases and applications, this book deals with all aspects of technology, including secure relational databases, inference problems, secure object databases, secure distributed databases and emerging applications.

Product Details

Taylor & Francis
Publication date:
Edition description:
New Edition
Product dimensions:
6.20(w) x 9.40(h) x 1.50(d)

Table of Contents

Pt. ISupporting technologies for database and applications security
2Data management technologies23
3Information security61
4Information management technologies77
Pt. IIDiscretionary security for database systems
5Security policies115
6Policy enforcement and related issues127
Pt. IIIMandatory security from database systems
7Historical developments141
8Design principles159
Pt. IVMultilevel secure relational database systems
9Multilevel relational data models175
10Security impact on database functions187
11Prototypes and products197
Pt. VThe inference problem
12A perspective of the inference problem217
13Security-constraint processing for inference control229
14Conceptual structures for inference control253
Pt. VISecure distributed and heterogeneous database systems
15Discretionary security for distributed database systems281
16Multilevel security for distributed database systems295
17Secure heterogeneous and federated database systems309
Pt. VIISecure object and multimedia systems
18Discretionary and multilevel security for object database systems331
19Aspects of objects and security349
20Secure multimedia data management systems361
Pt. VIIIData warehousing, data mining, security, and privacy
21Secure data warehousing381
22Data mining for security applications399
Pt. IXSecure Web data and information management technologies
24Secure Web data management and digital libraries441
25Security for XML, RDF, and the semantic Web465
26Secure E-commerce, collaboration, and knowledge management487
Pt. XEmerging secure data management technologies and applications
27Secure dependable data management505
28Secure sensor and wireless information management523
29Digital identity, forensics, and related topics549
30Summary and directions565
App. AData management systems : developments and trends577
App. BSuggested reading : books in database systems and information security593

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