Database Application Development and Design / Edition 1

Database Application Development and Design / Edition 1

by Michael V. Mannino

To help students gain the skills for application development, database design, and managing databases, Database Application Development and Design adheres to three guiding principles:

(1) Combine concepts and practice. The textbook and the accompanying supplements have been designed to provide close integration between concepts and practice.

(2) Emphasize

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To help students gain the skills for application development, database design, and managing databases, Database Application Development and Design adheres to three guiding principles:

(1) Combine concepts and practice. The textbook and the accompanying supplements have been designed to provide close integration between concepts and practice.

(2) Emphasize problem-solving skills. This book features problem-solving guidelines to help students master the fundamental skills of data modeling, normalization, query formulation, and application development.

(3) Provide introductory and advanced material: Business students who use this book may have a variety of backgrounds. This book provides enough depth to satisfy more advanced courses, but the advanced parts are placed so that they can be skipped by the less inclined.

Product Details

McGraw-Hill Companies, The
Publication date:
Edition description:
Older Edition

Table of Contents

Part I: Application Development with Relational Databases
Chapter 1: Introduction to Database Management
Chapter 2: The Relational Data Model
Chapter 3: Query Formulation with SQL
Chapter 4: Advanced Query Formulation with SQL
Chapter 5: Application Development with Views
Part II: Database Development
Chapter 6: Introduction to Database Development
Chapter 7: Data Modeling
Chapter 8: Normalization of Relational Tables
Chapter 9: View Design and Integration
Chapter 10: Physical Database Design
Chapter 11: Database Design for Student Loan Limited
Part III: Managing Database Environments
Chapter 12: Data and Database Administration
Chapter 13: Transaction Management
Chapter 14: Data Warehouse Technology and Management
Chapter 15: Client-Server Processing and Distributed Databases
Chapter 16: Object Database Management Systems
Glossary of terms
Web Resources
Table of Contents for Access 97 and Access 2000 Labs on CD-ROM:
1. An Introduction to Microsoft Access
2. Database Creation Lab
3. Query Lab
4. Single Table Form Lab
5. Hierarchical Form Lab
6. Report Lab
7. User Interface Lab

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